Now that I have returned to the St Louis Area full-time, I am launching a new Midwest High-Altitude Balloon Team project. I will be building
Author: N9EOD
FOX HUNT The Fox Hunt will be on Sunday this month. Sunday 12 November, 0900 – 1200 at OP Schnabel Park This is it, folks.
I want to thank everyone who attended the October Fox Hunt at OP Schnabel Park. We had eight people out hunting, and all 8 found
I want to thank everyone who attended the September Fox Hunt at Phil Hardberger Park. We had 8 people out hunting and 6 that found
I want to thank everyone who attended the August Fox Hunt at OP Schnable Park. We had 13 people out hunting and 12 that found
FOX HUNT The fox Hunt will be on Saturday this month. Saturday, 20 May, 0900 – 1200 at OP Schnabel Park Here are the details
I want to thank everyone who attended the April Fox Hunt at McAllister Park. We had seven people out hunting that found the Fox. Three
I want to thank everyone who did the March Fox Hunt at Southside Lyons Park. We had three people out hunting that found the Fox.
I want to thank everyone who did the September Fox Hunt at Phil Hardberger Park. We had two people I know of out hunting that
I want to thank everyone who did the September Fox Hunt at O P Schnabel Park. We had 4 people I know of out hunting